Attract More Clients During the Holidays

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For many coaches, the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is a dead zone. While having fewer client engagements and appointments offers a little more time to relax, or time to do some planning for the new year, it is still possible to attract new clients during this time of the year.

Here are three ways to maintain your visibility and attract clients during the holiday season, that will allow you to hit the ground running in the new year.

Create or Repurpose an Opt-in

Even with the holidays approaching, your clients will still have the things that you can help with on their mind. Offering an ebook, worksheet, or guide with an end of year focus can catch the eye of a prospective client who will be dealing with issues throughout the holiday period.

Whether you are a life coach that helps clients with family dynamics and relationship issues, or a business coach that is expert at forecasting and planning, you probably already have content that you can package for this time of year. A few changes to the introduction or examples you use can bring new life to an old marketing piece. This is a great way to continue building your email list in what otherwise may be a down time. This isn’t the time to passively let people find your giveaway, be sure to promote it in your email newsletter and share it across all your social media channels.

Offer a Holiday Bonus

Instead of offering a Black Friday discount, why not add more value for people who sign up now. You may ask, “isn’t this the same thing?” Discounting the price of your services can make it harder to maintain a client over the long term. Besides diminishing the value and prestige of working with you, you run the risk of alienating your current clients. By adding low-cost items or services with high perceived value to your program, your offerings stand out to holiday bargain hunters and may convince fence-sitters to take action.

Offering a small group session, a list of journal prompts (which tie into your pre-work), or a short video lesson (that can be repurposed and is evergreen) are all low effort and low cost ways to attract those looking for a deal.

Conduct a Webinar or AMA session

Coaches get business by sharing their expertise, a webinar or an Ask-Me-Anything session allows you to demonstrate why working with you can be a positive experience. People are looking for things to do during the holiday. A somewhat informal, drop-in session during the week between Christmas and New Year’s gives people who are “stuck at home” something to do.

This isn’t the time for a long workshop or training session. In fact, it shouldn’t be much longer than 45 minutes or an hour, including an opportunity for questions and a very short pitch describing how people can work with you. Presentations on Goal Setting are still particularly effective at this time of the year. Believe it or not, there are still people who don’t know what SMART goals are and would benefit greatly from the insight you could provide in a 30 minute presentation.

Make the Most of the Holidays

While the holiday season may traditionally be considered a slow period for coaches, it also presents a unique opportunity to elevate your visibility and attract new clients. During the time when other coaches are donning their sleeping cap and settling in for a long winter’s nap, you’ll be setting the stage for a strong start. So, seize the opportunity and make the most of the holiday season, and pave the way for a successful and prosperous new year in your coaching practice.